New Officers Elected to Lead CFD in 2014
By Croton Fire News
December 5, 2013

This week, the members of Croton-on-Hudson Fire Department elected their Department and Company Officers to lead them in 2014. All new officers will take on their roles at Midnight on January 1st, and complete that term after one year. The new Chiefs were elected on Thursday evening, while Company Officers were selected on Tuesday night.

Elected to Chief was current First Assistant Chief William C. Vlad, who takes on this role for his third time. He takes over the reigns from John Munson, who completes his term as Chief at the end of this year. Vlad previously served as Chief in 1996-1998 and 2004-2006.

Taking over as First Assistant Chief is Matt Mansfield, who moves up from his current role as Second Assistant Chief.

New to the Chief's Ranks is Chris Colombo, current Captain of Washington Engine, who replaces Mansfield at the role of Second Assistant Chief. Colombo follows in his Late Grandfather, William E. King's, footsteps. King previously served as Chief in 1961-1962.

The five companies of the CFD selected the following men to lead their respective companies in the upcoming year.

Chemical Engine Company No. 1 (Engine 118)
Captain: Phil Dinkler
1st Lieut: Brad Kennedy
2nd Lieut: Gus Binkler
Engineer: Dave Altro

Washington Engine Company No. 2 (Engine 119/Tanker 10)
Captain: Mike Feminella
1st Lieut: Joe Kempter
2nd Lieut: Art Roosa III
Engineer E119: John Munson
Engineer T10: Bill Gallagher

Harmon Engine Company No. 3 (Engine 120/Marine 12)
Captain: Spencer Grant
1st Lieut: Dan Vlad
2nd Lieut: John Van Asselt
Engineer E120: Kevin McClone
Engineer M12: Mike Burrows

Columbian Hook & Ladder Company No. 1 (Tower Ladder 44)
Captain: Mike Pellet
1st Lieut: Chris Pezzamayo

Croton Fire Patrol No. 1 (Rescue 18)
Captain: Steve Goe
1st Lieut: John Ghegan
2nd Lieut: Dave Kempter
Engineer: Josh Karpoff

Congratulations and good luck to all of our incoming leaders, and thank you to those retiring this year!